Monday, January 28, 2019

MAM: Imperfection as an Opportunity


God Love you!

We are getting ready for the polar vortex here in Alabama, hoping for a school snow day so we don't have to venture outside in the cold. I'm pretty sure living up North would turn me into a hermit.

Today's episode of Mother Angelica was aired on March 5, 1996, a lifetime ago. A senior in high school nearing graduation, I look back on that time so warmly. I felt so much love growing up and I am very blessed for that.

The show is a good one and God did make me chuckle. I've been reading more this year (thanks to Audible) and I challenged myself with reading Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time". Well, in this episode I learned that Mother Angelica used to like to read these sorts of books as well, books about the universe, time and space and she relates this new found knowledge to God's awesomeness; as well as an appreciation of the Eucharist, the real truth of the body, soul and divinity, the awesome presence of God and what a gift it is.

She also talks about imperfection and how it is allowed, because in choosing to overcome it, we choose to get closer to God.

She also reminds us that we should never despair, that we've been called by God by our very existence. Every time I try to grasp that one concept, specially in the midst of some sadness, it fills my heart with so much love and peace.

She takes the following calls:

  • A little girl whose class will receive First Communion asking for prayers
  • A born-again Christian asks why do we have to go to a Priest for confession? 
  • A Catholic asking if is it wrong to attend non-Christian prayer meetings.
  • Asking for references to how to read the book of Revelation from a Catholic perspective as well as for the teaching of Purgatory
    • Mark 9:48
    • Sirach 7:37
    • 1 Cor 2:14
    • Luke & Matthew 12:32
  • What responsibilities/obligations do you have when your godchild leaves the Catholic Church?

She reminds us to "Be simple with God, He likes that!"
