Monday, October 4, 2010

Pure Cardio


I know, I think the insanity has infected me, but I am LOVIN’ the Insanity workout dvds!!!

I started last week, but because it was during the middle of the week I decided to restart back to week 1 today. Pure Cardio was probably not the easiest way to start, but man was it fun. You know you’re in trouble when even ShawnT, the instructor, admits to being nervous about what’s to come.

Oh no!!!

It was tough, but I somehow got through it. Grant it, I had to take some breaks (ok, many breaks). It also helped that the people on the video we’re also struggling to get through the workout. Plus, I loved how all the guys kept taking their shirts off as time went by. Too funny!

After a week, I honestly can’t believe how sore I am. I haven’t lifted any weights, but I am definitely feeling the burn. I’m also surprised because my abs are definitely feeling it, but I’ve done no sit-ups or abs work. All those moves definitely do target your core! They don’t lie.

After reading Kimberly’s blog post, it inspired me to post some of my goals this October.  By the way, let me just tell  you that Kimberly’s weight-loss journey is really inspiring. She recently met her goal of running a half-marathon in under 2 hours. Go Kimberly!!!

So, here are my fitness & weight-loss goals for October:

  • Follow the Insanity workout plan. It’s a little intimidating, but I’m going to attempt the 6 times a week workout plan. I just hope Baby Brielle will help out with the sleep portion during the night so that I can wake up and get the sweat out of the way!
  • Eat healthy, post my meals and try to stay at under 2000 calories a day. TRY is the key word here!
  • Limit my Chai tea consumption. It’s so hard, specially when I have a big canister of the best Chai tea mix sitting in the pantry.  Sure, it’s only 140 calories per Chai tea goodness, but if I have one every day (as I have been) in October, it would total up to 4200 additional calories. That’s more than a whole pound, people!!! So my goal is to only have one Chai tea on Saturdays IF I got in my six workouts during the week!
  • Try to stay patient during this weight-loss journey.  Sure, I’m only four pounds off my pre-baby weight but to be honest, I was a little heavier than I wanted to be when I got pregnant. I’m a little hesitant to set an actual pounds lost goal, but if I did, I’d say I’d like to loose another 12-15 pounds. My real goal, though, is to fit into my favorite pair of jeans by Thanksgiving. They’re just sitting in my closet, all lonely because I can’t wear them. I’ve done it in the past, I just have to remember that my body likes to hold on to fat for as long as possible and so, I have to be patient.

I have to take it one day at a time and try to make the best healthy decisions that I can. Oh yea, another goal:

  • Slow down as I eat my meals. I don’t know if it’s Baby Brielle or what, but I’ve noticed I’ve been inhaling my food recently. Maybe it’s because I want to finish before she gets up, I don’t know, but I really have to take the time to eat slowly!

In a nutshell, these are my goals this month. Let’s see if I can keep it up :)