Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Natter: Bloggy blues?

Workout: Wait, what is that?

[The scene: 11 pm last night.]
Me: I need to go to sleep, I want to get back into the fitness swing of things...
Me: I'm pooped, Vegas was fun - but it's so nice to be back at home...
Me: Routines are good, who ever said routines are no good?
Me: I could retire in Vegas, there's so much to do there...
Me: But what if we invest in a condo and they end up running out of water by the time we're ready to retire?
Me: What would we do if we run out of water here?
Me: We live close to the river, but I doubt we could drink that water...
Me: It's a good thing we live in an area close to the water table, maybe we could just build a pump in our backyard.
Me: But what if everyone else around us did that, would the land just collapse?
Me: We'd be screwed.
Me: I really need to set up one of those emergency back-packs to be ready to go.
Me: Just in case the zombie's attack.
Me: Why can't I go to sleep.

[The clock shifts to 12:00 am]
Me: I'm instituting the "it's past midnight so no workout in the am" rule.
Me: Alarm is off, had a handful of raisins, Lightning Bug is on.
Me: Sleep, let's do this!

Yes folks, how do I go from I’m pooped to zombies attacking and needing to prepare for that? I think I need to start some quiet time, or some routine before sleepy time. I'm just afraid if I do this I'm going to open up the flood gates and I'll never get any sleep. How do you guys wind down?

As you may have picked up, we just got back from Vegas. Mind you, a trip to Vegas with a baby - but we got through it and actually had some fun. Among the activities:

  • California Pizza Kitchen, when are you coming to EP?
  • Touring the Pawn Stars shop, apparently they are now only there while they film.
  • H&M Overload (3 floors too much - I didn't buy a thing :( ). I tend to freeze up when there are too many options.
  • Buffet Heaven at the Mirage :)
  • Baby play time from 2-4:30 AM - yes, please :(
  • Enjoying the swimming pool with the BB :)
  • Getting to know my Apple Ipad during my BB's nap time - got one for work and I'm liking it :)
  • Meeting a playful baby dolphin and wandering through the Secret Garden.

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  • Town Center in Las Vegas - an awesome place for the kiddos. My BB got to crawl around and we met a PILF  (Parents I'd Like to Friend) couple - wish they lived in EP. Made me realize that "dating" never stops - booo!!!
  • Whole Foods, I missed ya!!! Glad I got to visit you, though - your salad bar always mean good times!
  • Outlet Mall Shopping :) True Religion, nice to meet ya!
  • M&M + Coca Cola store shopping!

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  • 20 minutes in one of those water massage machines - very worth it :)
  • Baby play time from 2-5 AM - yes, please :(
  • Strolling through the C Gates while trying to get my BB to sleep and EVERYONE watching = good times. We kept running into another couple doing the same thing, they could have been potential PILFs since we were on the same flight - I'm too shy so I didn't say anything.
  • Home Sweet Home :)

In a nutshell, we ate, shopped, walked, saw some family and did some fun stuff, ate some more then walked back and started all over!

The walking offset the eating, so I was shocked that I was pretty much around my happy weight when I got back.

Plus, I got to think some about this blog and decided to keep at it. I missed it! Sometimes I felt like I just scrape together whatever I could for a post, so the quality was definitely lacking *cough* pictures *cough*.

I want to make it a better blog for me and for anyone that might be interested in reading it. If there are any bloggies out there still reading this, I’m taking bloggie requests.

Please let me know if there is anything that you’d like to see more of? Like my attempts at learning how to take better pictures?

Or more doggie pics?

What’d ya say, definitely more doggie pictures. Can’t say no to that!

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