Monday, June 13, 2016

The Sunday Plan: Pan de Vida


Aloha my friends!

We have made it back from a beautiful vacation to Hawaii, we are blessed. Some of my friends have referred to it as visiting "paradise," and yes God's creations are magnificent - but paradise it is not.

I try to keep away from the news and so my husband told me about the latest tragedy on the way to Mass on Sunday morning. I didn't really know how bad it was until last night.

My heart hurts.

This week at Mass, the song below is the one that stood out to me and the rendition by this artist is beautiful and simple. We need more beauty in this world, more love. Always love.

Pan de Vida by Bob Hurd

Pan de vida,
Cuerpo del Senor.
Cup of Blessing,
Blood of Christ the Lord.
At this table, the last shall be first.
Poder es servir,
porque Dios es amor.

We are the dwelling of God,
fragile, and wounded and weak
We are the body of Christ,
called to be the compassion of God

Pan de vida,
Cuerpo del Senor.
Cup of Blessing,
Blood of Christ the Lord.
At this table, the last shall be first.
Poder es servir,
porque Dios es amor.

Somos el templo de Dios,
fragiles seres humanos.
Somos el cuerpo de Cristo
Llamados a ser compasivos.

Pan de vida,
Cuerpo del Senor.
Cup of Blessing,
Blood of Christ the Lord.
At this table, the last shall be first.
Poder es servir,
porque Dios es amor.

You call me teacher and Lord,
I who have washed your feet.
So you must do as I do,
so the greatest must become the least.

Pan de vida,
Cuerpo del Senor.
Cup of Blessing,
Blood of Christ the Lord.
At this table, the last shall be first.
Poder es servir,
porque Dios es amor.

Ustedes me llaman Senor,
me inclino a lavarles los pies.
Algan lo mismo umildes,
sirviendose unos a otros.

Pan de vida,
Cuerpo del Senor.
Cup of Blessing,
Blood of Christ the Lord.
At this table, the last shall be first.
Poder es servir,
porque Dios es amor.

There is no Jew or Greek,
there is no slave or free.
There is no woman or man,
only heirs of the promise of God

Pan de vida,
Cuerpo del Senor.
Cup of Blessing,
Blood of Christ the Lord.
At this table, the last shall be first.
Poder es servir,
porque Dios es amor.

No hay esclavos ni libres,
no hay mujeres ni hombres,
solo aquellos que hereran el reino que Dios prometio.

Pan de vida,
Cuerpo del Senor.
Cup of Blessing,
Blood of Christ the Lord.
At this table, the last shall be first.
Poder es servir,
porque Dios es amor.

A Dios!