Monday, October 24, 2011

The Salad Case: Repeat!

Workout: 35 min Sweaty Flow to Wring Out Toxins  + 20 min interval run

Hi Blogies :)

Well this morning was a great workout and I've come to the realization that I'm pretty consistent about being inconsistent. How do you like them apples???

I'd say about the last couple of months (minus the week after the SF vacay), I've been extremely good about working out M-W (go me), then hitting the snooze Th-Su (boo me).

I blame it, or me - on my inability to go to sleep earlier than 11pm. I'm fine M-W, but as soon as Thursday comes around - those < 6 hour sleep nights just do me in. Lets see if this new "revelation" helps me go to sleep earlier tonight. This week's salad case is a mirror image of the one last week, the combo was so good I couldn't resist a repeat case!

The Coconutty ed. contained the following:

  • couple handfuls spinach
  • 3 handfuls roasted veggies: broccoli, butternut squash, carrots
  • a handful of almonds
  • a sprinkling of unsweetened coconut (yum!)

Again, the roasting of veggies adds so much flavor it makes the weekend prep work so worth it!

Today, I came across an interesting article about Kirsten Dunst trying to dress more according to her age. Seriously, when did she turn 30? I still see her as the little girl on "Interview with a Vampire" (a movie clearly ahead of it's time with those heartthrob vampires) or the cheerleader on "Bring it on".

Kirsten Dunst: Melancholia and Shopping

Her thoughts, along with some of the harsh comments that followed, reminded me of my little inner struggle of whether or not to dress up for work? One thing that struck me were the comments about Jennifer Aniston not dressing her age. I love the way she dresses casually and the way she rocks some of those outfits at 40+ or at any age for that matter. Do you guys think she's age inappropriate?

As far as work goes, I'll go a couple of weeks of "dressing up", then decide it's a jeans and nike's type of week. I do think I've settled on the importance of dressing up - now it's just a matter of follow-through!

Do any of you guys have any tips for following through goals that you've set for yourself?

Have a greet week!!!
