Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mommy Needs Coffee Tuesdays: and workout time?

Workout: 30 min weights + 30 min walk

I know, I do need me some of this:

After yesterday's post (which btw was supposed to be published last week) I've made a decision:

Option A: M-F 7:30 - 4:30, lunch in the AM to swim or lunch/PM to do weights

After talking with RC about it, I think I confused him with all the different times. I loved his answer: do the one that gets you more access to gym time. So simple. I agreed and now I'm just waiting on the go-ahead :)

I told one of my friends (who's doing an awesome job on her diet/exercise, btw) and asked her if she'd be interested in joining me 3 times a week for "lunch" at the gym. It sounds like she is so we may start up soon.

What got me is that she's feeling guilty working, then taking Zumba at 6 and not getting home until 7:30 when her kiddo is almost ready to go sleepies. That's right - MOMMY GUILT!!!

Ever dealt with Mommy Guilt? It sucks!

I told her I felt the same way and had resisted changing my schedule for that extra hour with my munchkin. I feel like such a bad mommy for not being able to get up at 5 AM, but I'm tired. I need that hour of sleep and I do miss my gym time, too.

I keep telling myself that the stress-relief working out gives me will make that time that I do have with my BB even sweeter. Plus, if I'm not liking it then I could always switch back, right?

We'll see how it goes, I just can't wait to get in that pool!!!

ADios ;)