Thursday, May 2, 2013

Taco Thursday: Avocado Goodness!

Workout: 40 min crossfit workout

You guys, I'm trying "the crossfit" this month!

After thinking about how I need to setup a workout routine, it just seemed like another thing I had to get done. I decided to call this Push 4 Fitness since it would kill two birds with one stone. It would prevent me from loosing 20 minutes in traffic and I wouldn't have to worry about what to do at the gym when I got there. Also, with all the crossfit hype I just wanted to try it and I.LOVED.IT!

They usually have classes every hour and are strict about coming in late, but I called to see if they could work with my schedule and kind of let me overlap two classes since I wouldn't be coming in until 7:20ish or so. Guess what, they said they would.

Turns out this morning, I was the only one at my class. Woo-hoo! It felt like I got a personal trainer. It was fun, challenging and now my arms and legs are seriously hurting. Funny thing is, I thought I knew what I was doing at the gym but I haven't been this sore in ages! Plus, it has been made known to me by a professional that I am severely not balanced. Moi? I know, shocker!

So, since I'm taking the extra 30 minutes to exercise (and I fully intend to go as much as I possibly can because OMG crossfit is $$$) - I'm trying to make dinners at home as simple as possible. In lieu of crockpot dinners for a month, I try to prep for tomorrow's meal if today's meal is really easy.

Last night's prep included a super delicious roasted red bell pepper cream sauce, but really I kind of still don't know what to make with it today. Sure, I could do the pasta thing, but I have a bunch of avocados seeing as my BBC is now old enough to start eating. BTW, he's lovin' them!

So I'm thinkin tonight is the night for:

Avocado + Bacon (opt) Tacos with Red Bell Pepper Cream Sauce

  • Avocados
  • Tortillas
  • Cooked bacon (optional)
  • Roasted Red Bell Pepper + table cream
  • cilantro
I'm probably not going to fry these tacos, just going to heat up the tortilla and fill it with avocados, cilantro and top it with cream sauce. Who knows, I may get crazy and add some quinoa to the avocado, but that would involve another pot. We shall see?

Ever tried an avocado taco before? If not, go forth and eat!

ADios :)