Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mommy Needs Coffee: Gentle!

Workout: 30 min power body + 20 min body sculpt from yufit.com

Ok, I gotta say - I'm loving yufit today. Both classes were challenging, plus I really liked the instructors. I felt the workout burn and I didn't get bored - they both kept it interesting. Yufit is definately growing on me :)

Me Vs the sugar yesterday was a success, day 2 is always not so good. I can get through this :) In the meantime, let's have some coffee :)

This week I was set to write a cute story about my doggies, but then yesterday happened. I picked up my BB at daycare only to find out she needs a crash course on how to be "gentle".

Apparently, she kept pulling hair, fighting for toys, pushing a kid out of a chair and yes - biting. The caretakers had no clue where it came from - I was flabbergasted. I felt like I was "that mom," then one that lets their kids get away with everything.

The thing is, she's soon to be 18 months so we're in a very grey area of parenting. As I drove home, I kept thinking it was the first 48 hours of a crime scene. It feels like how I handle things now, today, will begin to lay down the groundwork for what's to come in the next couple of years. Ever feel that way?

I also think part of the problem is that we're not around other kids the majority of the time. It's hard to teach her how to behave if there are no kids in sight and I doubt anyone would volunteer their kids for her to learn.

I had recently noticed that she had started chasing the doggies and pulling their ears or hair. We've been trying to address that this is not appropriate behavior, but something tells me that teaching "gentle" is not an overnight thing.

Yee-haw, me thinks the Terrible Twos have started and it's going to be a bumpy ride. Buckle-up!

How do you handle disciplining toddlers? Any tips on how to help them learn "gentle"?

In the meantime, I just had to share this video.

I've totally caught myself saying "only $20, that's a steal!" How about you?
