Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WorkItWedge: Fab Four!

Workout: 20 min interval run

Soooo.... there's too much going on. I feel like I'm a week late, seriously!

Work is puffs, as in coo-coo for cocoa puffs. Where are my puffs???

Home is all sorts of crazy and wonderful hectic thrown in with an abundance of chocolate that is a bit intimidating. Needless to say, my No-Sugar Added days have been full of sugar this week!

I'm also having problems sleeping, I blame mahjong and my inability to shut off my PC before 10:30. Really, I blame me!

On a good note, I have done some form of exercise each day - go me!

M: 30 min Youble Yoga (They changed their name from

T: 30 min Youble Power Body (luv this class)

W: 10 min Youble Kickboxing + 20 min interval run

After deciding to sleep in then actually waking up to try the kickboxing class (#doublescore for me), I ditched the class because I thought I'd get a better cardio workout running. So glad I did! The run was funtastic and totally helped release some stress.

Plus, it totally puts a pep in my step the rest of the day. Not even the baby puke that I had to clear from the car seat (which also made me late for work) could dampen my mood.

What's the weirdest reason you love to run/workout?

Oh yea, time for proof that I’m still semi-dressing up for work.


Cause nothing says “work” like a Fab Four tee + khakis + wedges!
