Friday, April 5, 2013

Flashback Fridays: Blackbird

Workout: Lower body workout + 20 min walk

BBC woke up twice last night, the second time was due to a broken swaddle. The preventable wake-ups are the worst. No surprise, I snoozed two days in a row.

I'm trying not to be to hard on myself, it is my first full week back at work. I found this awesome lower-body workout and was able to sneak three sets in throughout the day.  Not too bad, but no excuses this weekend, or so I'm telling myself!

In order to celebrate a week of clean eats, a 1lb weight loss, no added sugar and no 2nd cup o'joe for the week, I decided to treat myself to a small iced coffee from Einstein's. 

I laugh because my attempt at a self-portrait of me with said coffee was a total FAIL. HAHA.

Now for some flashback tunes: Blackbird by The Beatles.

I'm not sure if you've picked up on it, but I'm a huge Beatles fan. Grew up on the hits albums but I've never owned their entire catalog. I didn't even know about this gem of a song until one of the girls on American Idol sang it a couple of years ago. It has quickly climbed to be in my Beatles Top Ten list.

Are you a Beatles fan? If so, would you be able to pick just one song as a "favorite"? I thought I could, but no, really I couldn't.

Have a great weekend.

ADios :)