Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hodgepodge Blog Post

I've taken pictures on my phone and my camera and they're in a random order which I'm probably not going to organize, so I'm writing this post as a hodgepodge of things that I've done since my last post.

I think the below picture is last Thursday's dinner.


I made a healthy Beef Stroganoff with whole-wheat pasta, mushrooms, onions and the secret ingreadiet: a can of Campbell's mushroom soup. Seeing as how I didn't have any sour cream and I needed to use this can before it expired in 5 days!

It was a good dinner!

I had my standard steel-cut oats for desert and then went off to sleep. Brielle slept good again, yay. Who knew I'd be happy with getting three hours of uninterrupted sleep!

I was planning on walking again after her 5AM feeding, but I was still to tired. Sleep is good!!!

I woke up, had some cereal and my coffee and got to read some. I'm reading "Lord Jim" now, apparently there's an old movie based on this book. It's an okay book, but definitely not a page-turner. If anyone has a page-turner they'd like to recommend, by all means, please do!

The rest of the day really was just lounging at home. I got to organize my kitchen cabinets and that was so much fun. It does make me feel happy knowing my Tupperware items are all where they're supposed to be!

Lunch was leftover whole-wheat pasta with frozen veggies and edamame topped with some of my homemade sesame dressing. Yummy!

My snack was cottage cheese with some sweet cantaloupe.

Dinner was a D'giorno cheese pizza topped with my own blend of bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, olives and the leftover bratwurst from a couple of nights before. It was good, except for the fact that I used the Conventional Bake setting on my oven and the pizza was a nice color brown because it stayed in there 5 minutes too long. Whoops!

I also made an eggplant casserole made with a can of spaghetti sauce and topped with some cheese! I love eggplant!

I gave in to an ice cream craving and asked Richard to pick some up while he was at the store. He ended up getting a Fat-free, sugar-free brand that was 70 calories a serving, but did not feel indulgent enough. Oh well!

I also had my steel-cut oats, but felt bad about wasted calories on that wanna be ice cream! I ain't having anymore of that stuff!

I'm still playing around with how I want this blog to roll. For now, I'll write when I can, but I think it's going to take me a while to see how I want to structure it. Let's see how it goes, shall we?

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!