Monday, June 27, 2011

The Salad Case: 110 Degrees

Workout: 15 minute hot-legs workout + 15 minute no crunch ab exercises + 2 mile run

That’s right folks, I’m melting!

It was a friggin’ 110 degrees in El Paso today, the heat wave is going strong. My poor BB turned into a little tomato just walking from the car to Target today, I’m hot just thinking about it.

On a good note, my alarm actually worked this morning. I put it in the bathroom to force me to get up out of bed to turn it off. It worked :) I got to do the weights plus go on a 2 mile run in perfect weather. I’m so glad when I get the workouts out of the way!

Now to the main star of today’s post, my Salad Case!


In the mix today:

  • spinach
  • roasted veggies: broccoli, brussel sprouts, onions, carrots
  • 1/4 c feta cheese

I don’t know why I've never thought about roasting onions before. I’m usually the type that curses myself for not adding enough onions to a dish so this was such a welcome addition. They were nice and sweet, plus they add so much flavor. Are you Team Onion?

What is the weirdest salad ingredient you’ve ever had? I gotta say, the weirdest one was the yogurt on the roasted veggie salad last week. It was really good :)

Hope you have a great week!
