Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another MP3 Player Bites the Dust

The sermon at Church was very fitting today. It was all about greed and how it affects your life. It kind of made me feel bad that I was so bummed yesterday. I lost a perfectly good Saturday to feeling sorry for myself.

It wasn't so much the stuff I lost, it was that I keep loosing things and I don't seem to learn my lesson! This is the second time this year I forgot my purse somewhere. I can't even remember how many phones I've lost or misplaced. I just need to be more aware of my things.  Plus, I just realized my Zune was in my purse so that too has gone bye bye!


I went grocery shopping afterward and got some rotisserie chicken and ceasar salad mix for lunch. I also made some corn, but I ended up only eating half of it.

I also stocked up on loads of fruits & veggies. I'm continuing my "Sunday Choppin Funday" and pre-cut all my veggies for the week. I think I went a little overboard on the onions, so I'll be adding some to everything I can!

I also finally remembered to buy some oatmeal and I went ahead and prepared it for two days this week.


You can't go wrong with rice pudding for dinner. It's even creamier the next day!

Did I read?

I'm going to try. I'm really tired, but I really have nothing planned for the rest of the night. I'm just going try to relax and play a round of "Name that Baby Part!" Our little one is running out of room in my belly so trying to figure out where she is keeps us somewhat entertained!

Look at my little guy, he's been so tired today!