Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Work It Out: Boar’s Head!

Workout: Core Strengthening Yoga Practice

Calories: 2200

Did you hear that? The Angels were singing this morning! I got 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, yipeeee!

I also got to do about 45 minutes of this practice, which rocked my abs. A great start to this morning.

Check out the personalized studio:

Along with my own cheering section, who somehow was otherwise distracted.

However, the real rock star in the AM was this baby:

That would be 2 boiled eggs, chorizo & cheese on a whole-wheat sandwich thin.

Boar’s Head Chorizo Panino Pepperoncini, a splurge worth all it’s $$$. This is GOOD! Seriously, some of the cheese melted off on to the paper towel and I contemplated eating that too. No worries, I managed to contain myself :)

How was your workout?

Was your breakfast as good as mine? Doesn’t a good breakfast just set the tone for the whole day. I have no clue how people can skip it. None whatsoever.

Off to watch some AI!
