Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WIWW: Caught!

Workout: Insanity Core Cardio + Balance!

Despite my own sabotage efforts of insisting on staying up past my tech cut-off time, I can mark this workout as done. I'm not gonna lie, it's been tough but I guess I'm still riding the New Year's resolution high.
I think it helps that the scale has been kind this week and I'm feeling stronger (insert Kelly Clarkson “Stronger” here. Not to mention that I'm wearing some jeans that were skin-tight at one point and are now pretty comfy. Luv it!

Luv it so much, I had to pair them with my favorite non-wedge shoes:

I know, I know - it's the never-ending dilemma over whether or not to dress up for work.

The jeans won out today. This post may inspire me tomorrow, we shall see...

Another way I was caught in the act today:

(Shhhh, for your eyes only.) After all, a sample K-cup pack demands to be sampled. Championing a Keurig for the office was not a shabby idea ;) The K-cup trading has already commenced and I’m looking forward to scoring some French Toast brew tomorrow. Are you a fan of the K-cups? Have a favorite flavor?

RC may utter the dreaded, “I told you so, I told you that you’d be having coffee all the time.” I think it’s more jealousy than anything else, really. But I’m sure he will be content with knowing that we finished that gigantic-sized portion of frozen fish mix from Sam's. Proof:
Blog 147
Seafood Fajitas

  • 1 onion
  • 3 bell peppers
  • 3-4 cup of pre-cooked seafood mixins
  • 1 package fajita seasoning
  1. Stir-fry chopped onion and bell peppers with some olive oil until the onion is translucent, for me it takes about 10 minutes over medium heat
  2. Add seasoning mix and follow the packet's instructions, I had to add 1/4 cup water
  3. Add thawed pre-cooked seafood mixins and stir until warm. The key is to not overcook because chewiness ensues if you're not careful.
  4. Enjoy

It was actually pretty tasty, but I'll stick with the pre-cooked shrimp bags - thank you very much ;). Timing the chewiness factor was a full-time job and if you can’t tell, I’ve got my hands full already.

Blog 139

Can you spot the baby hand? Love my backsplash protector?

Blog 072

Blog 138 

Plus, it looks like this audience needs some entertainment, so I’m off to work my n-th job. How many jobs do you have? Have you ever regretted a bargain food buy?

ADios :)