Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snapshot Saturday

Workout: 6.59 mile run in 1 hour 11 minutes


Today started out with an inspiring group run, 6:30 am sharp. There were about 20 people ready to head out on an 11 mile course. I’m always intimidated around “real” hard-core runners so I stayed behind the pack and was ok with just running behind them. I was planning on turning back after 3 miles, so it’d be fine.

Little did I know I was going to have a GREAT run next a 70+ year-old man who had started the group many years ago. He’s run 100 marathons in his lifetime and he’s still out there hitting the pavement. Amazing!

We talked the whole way about our mutual love of doggies, his wife and their new horse, his favorite marathons, all the planning that went into next week’s marathon & half and he also gave me a few tips along the way.

He recommends taking a walking break after every 2 or 3 miles as well as sipping on water every 1/2 to 1 mile. I’m going to try it and see how it goes. I asked him his thoughts on foam-rolling, he never heard of such a thing – his expression was hilarious.

You know I had to give Circle K some love!

I got home, made breakfast for the whole fam and had some reheated coffee with a yummy biscotti while catching up on email & blogs.

Then came the oh so glamorous chores: clean fridge, polish kitchen cabinets, laundry, clean coffee filter. Fun times!

Then we headed to the El Paso Westside Women's Republican Group monthly meeting. As always, it’s very informative and they’re planning on setting up workshops that sound pretty interesting.

The ones that peaked my interest is a course on the Constitution, the other is a workshop on how to store food in case of an emergency. They actually asked some women from the Mormon Church to give the presentation because they are very well-versed on the topic. They’re even going to teach us how to make a solar stove top. Pretty nifty!

Do you guys have a store for emergencies?

Afterwards we ran some more errands and then headed home for some quality time with the doggies.

Dulci will not eat her food unless Abacus is looking at her, she likes his audience. My doggies have issues!

Then it was all about tummy time. My friend Amber made this for my little girl, isn’t she talented? Luv it!

Now it’s all about Saturday Night Live!

How was your Saturday?

Many Blessings!